My Little Pony--Ponyville Mysteries--The Tail of the Timberwolf
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First Edition: July 2017
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ISBNs: 978-0-316-43190-3 (pbk.), 978-0-316-43188-0 (ebook)
The moon was almost full. Though these “Cutie Mark Crusaders” and their families were proving to be an unexpected complication, The Pony kept focus on the final goal. The Livewood grew far in the distance, in a dark, shadowy patch. It was here, in the heart of the Everfree Forest, where the Artifact would be. How The Pony longed for it! Such power. Such magic!
The Artifact would be fiercely protected. Without a plan to charm the guardians of the Livewood, nopony could set hoof there. Perhaps, with the right encouragement, the guardians could be made to serve The Pony. The only way to know would be to perform a little experiment.…
“Its huge fangs were this close to my face! I could feel its horrible, raspy breath as it got closer. And closer! Hhhhhuuh haaaaa. Hhhhhuuuh haaaaa!” Scootaloo breathed noisily, hooves raised like claws as she stalked toward the gathered classmates in the schoolyard.
“However did you escape?” asked Pip, enthralled.
Scootaloo struck her best Rainbow Dash–cool pose. “No monster is a match for my wheels! I zoomed circles around that bogle! It would have eaten most of Ponyville if I hadn’t chased it back into the Forest and told it to never come back—or else!”
“Uh, Scootaloo? Aren’t ya forgettin’ somethin’?” Apple Bloom prompted.
Scootaloo blushed. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Lilymoon helped, too,” she added.
“And got into lots of trouble for it.” Sweetie Belle sighed, remembering the whole terrifying thing. The bogle, a huge, invisible creature, had moved into Miss Cheerilee’s Schoolhouse after Lilymoon, the newest student there, accidentally disturbed its nest. Against their sisters’ wishes, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle teamed up with Scootaloo to lure the bogle back to the Everfree Forest where it belonged. With Lilymoon’s help, they decorated the creature’s old home with Rarity’s beautiful fabric. The bogle loved it!
Most of Ponyville was impressed that the Cutie Mark Crusaders—Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom—had saved the town from the frightening bogle. But Rarity remained upset. “Couldn’t you have used last season’s fabrics?” Rarity had moaned to her little sister. At least their classmates thought they were heroes.
“If I ever thee another monthster,” said Twist, “I’ll know which ponieth to call!”
Apple Bloom scuffed a hoof on the ground and sighed in disappointment. “Maybe not. Looks like our first adventure’s gonna be our last one for a while. Applejack told me not to take on any more monsters without askin’ first.”
“Fine by me,” Sweetie Belle said. “I don’t need an adventure like that ever again.”
“That’s ’cause you’re a scaredy-pony,” piped up Snips.
Sweetie Belle frowned at him and stomped her hoof. “I am not! I’m just as brave as any—AAHHH!” Sweetie Belle shot straight up, startled. Something freezing cold had touched her shoulder! She whirled to see Snails behind her, holding an ice cube with his magic. He chuckled and hoof-bumped Snips.
“You were saying?” Snips laughed. Sweetie Belle glared at the troublemakers, but before she could do anything else, Miss Cheerilee popped her head through the Schoolhouse door.
“Time for class, everypony!” she sang out. As the ponies trotted into the Schoolhouse, Sweetie Belle saw that Lilymoon was already there. She must have arrived early to avoid talking to the other ponies. Besides the CMCs, Lilymoon hadn’t made too many friends yet. The violet-eyed Unicorn sat at her desk, staring straight ahead, not making eye contact with anypony.
Diamond Tiara stepped in a wide arc to dramatically avoid Lilymoon’s desk. “Careful, Silver Spoon. Creepiness is catching.” Diamond Tiara sneered.
Lilymoon shot them an icy look. But she gave a small smile when Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo sat next to her. Miss Cheerilee stood in the front of the classroom, getting everypony’s attention.
“Class, I hope you’re excited, because Lilymoon has a special surprise for us today!”
The students all shared worried looks. Another surprise from Lilymoon was the last thing they wanted!
“Do you think it’s another bogle?” Featherweight whispered anxiously to Pip. Miss Cheerilee nodded toward Lilymoon, who placed a large bag on her desk and glared out at the class.
“I… made treats for everypony,” she said awkwardly. She glanced toward the CMCs, who gave her encouraging nods. Sweetie Belle and her friends had told Lilymoon that sharing sweets was a great way to show the class she was friendly. Sweetie Belle realized they should have told Lilymoon to smile, too. Based on everypony’s reaction, the glaring didn’t seem to be helping.
“Isn’t that nice? Let me go get plates.” Miss Cheerilee smiled, stepping outside. The students eyed Lilymoon.
“What kind of treaths?” Twist asked suspiciously. Lilymoon emptied the bag, revealing a tray of bright-green squares.
“Ew! What are they, frog cakes?” Diamond Tiara said, making a face.
“No!” Lilymoon protested. “They’re cactus bars!”
“That doesn’t sound much better,” Silver Spoon said.
“You eat cactus?” Snails gaped.
“That’th gross,” Twist said, trotting over to peer closer at the bars.
“They’re a family recipe.…” Lilymoon tried to explain.
“Now I really don’t want one.” Diamond Tiara sniffed. Lil
ymoon shot her a nasty look. Hearing a rustling noise, Lilymoon looked down to see Twist nosing around in her treat bag. Twist pulled out a large candy cane.
“I’ll take thith inthead,” she said, marching back to her desk.
“That’s actually part of my lunch,” Lilymoon protested, but Twist didn’t seem to hear.
Sweetie Belle could see this was not going well. She tried to help. Loudly and enthusiastically, so the rest of the class could hear, she said, “Cactus bars sound really interesting! I’ll take one!”
“I’ll take two!” Apple Bloom chimed in.
“Yeah!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “They sound even cooler than lemon bars!” But when Miss Cheerilee returned with the plates, the Crusaders were the only ones who tried the green treats.
Sweetie Belle could tell Lilymoon was upset, even though she let her blue-and-white-striped mane cover her face so nopony could see her expression. It would definitely take a lot of work to make the rest of the class accept the new student. But Sweetie Belle resolved she wouldn’t give up until they did. Cutie Mark Crusaders didn’t quit!
Lilymoon was quiet as Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo walked her home. Sweetie Belle could see that Lilymoon was still bothered by how the other students had reacted to her cactus bars. She thought rather than bringing it up, it would be better to talk about something else. “Can you believe Snips said I’m a scaredy-pony?” she asked indignantly.
“Well, you don’t really like dangerous adventures,” Scootaloo pointed out.
“And yer not a big fan of Nightmare Night,” Apple Bloom added. Sweetie Belle couldn’t believe her friends weren’t taking her side!
“I know you’re brave,” Lilymoon said. “You’re coming to my house to hang out.”
Sweetie Belle had to admit that Lilymoon’s house was more than a little spooky. High on Horseshoe Hill, it was covered in vines, practically melting into the trees around it. The floors creaked, the shutters rattled in the wind, and Sweetie Belle could swear the portraits of the ponies on the walls were watching her when she wasn’t looking. Still, friends stuck together, no matter how creepy their houses were. As the ponies approached the front door, Lilymoon’s ancient aunt popped out of the front hedge, startling them all. Her eyes were wild, and her tangled gray mane stuck out in every direction.
“Auntie Eclipse… what are you doing?” Lilymoon asked. Sweetie Belle thought she sounded worried about what the answer would be.
“Visiting my star spider friends, dear. They weave such interesting webs during the full moon, don’t you think?” Auntie Eclipse held up a hoof with spiders crawling all over it. The Crusaders’ eyes went wide, but they nodded politely and edged past Auntie to the front door.
“Sorry,” Lilymoon whispered. “Auntie is… different.”
“That’s one word for it,” Scootaloo murmured. Lilymoon led the others into her house, but before they could reach the stairs, a voice called.
“Lilymoon! You’re finally home.” Lilymoon’s mother, Lumi Nation, walked in from the next room. She stopped when she noticed the other ponies. Sweetie Belle didn’t think she was very happy to see them. “And you’ve brought… friends,” Lumi added with no sound of welcome in her voice.
“They’re helping me get caught up at school,” Lilymoon said.
“Isn’t that nice?” Lumi Nation said, but to Sweetie Belle, it sounded like she thought just the opposite. “Well, don’t be too long. You have studying to do. And your father is counting on your help in the greenhouse. There isn’t much time before tonight.”
“Yes, Mother,” Lilymoon said, already cantering up the stairs. The others followed, close on her hooves.
“What’s tonight?” Scootaloo asked.
“And what’s in the greenhouse?” Sweetie Belle wanted to know.
“And what are you studyin’?” Apple Bloom wondered. But Lilymoon shook her head.
“Upstairs,” she said. Once they were safely in Lilymoon’s room with the door closed, the Crusaders got some answers. “My dad has all kinds of plant experiments you can do only at night,” Lilymoon explained. “And as for studying…” She gestured to a dusty stack of thick magical books piled up on her desk. Sweetie Belle thought they’d fit right in at Twilight’s library. “My family is big on magical research.”
“On top of your regular homework?” Scootaloo asked in disbelief.
Lilymoon nodded. “Guess cactus bars aren’t the only weird things about us,” she said with a sigh.
“They were good! And the resta the class woulda realized that if they’d tried ’em,” Apple Bloom said.
“They just need to get to know you like we do,” Scootaloo said.
“How? Have you seen how those other ponies look at me? They’ll never forgive me for that bogle, much less talk to me,” Lilymoon said.
Sweetie Belle perked up. She had an idea! “A birthday party!” she announced.
“Uh… it’s not my birthday,” Lilymoon said, raising an eyebrow.
“Not yours. Zipporwhill’s!” Sweetie Belle said excitedly. “She’s having a huge party tonight, and everypony is welcome! If you come, the whole class will see you playing games and having fun—”
“And realize you’re just like us!” Scootaloo chimed in.
“Good thinkin’, Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom said. The Crusaders high-hooved one another in victory. Lilymoon looked thoughtful, but before she could reply, there was a creaking noise outside her door. They all froze. Lilymoon frowned and flung the door open with her magic.
Her sister, Ambermoon, stood in the doorway!
“Were you spying on us?” Lilymoon asked. Ambermoon looked surprised to be caught but quickly covered it up with a haughty expression.
“You were stealing from me again!” Ambermoon sneered.
“I was not!” Lilymoon said, outraged.
“So somepony else keeps taking things from my room?” Ambermoon asked.
“Don’t be so dramatic.” Lilymoon rolled her eyes. “It was one candy cane for my lunch!”
“And my hoof polish and my book on dragon scales and my manebrush?” Ambermoon listed each item as if it were the most valuable treasure ever.
“I was borrowing!” Lilymoon exclaimed.
“Stealing,” Ambermoon corrected.
“Better than spying,” Lilymoon shot back. Ambermoon glared at her sister.
“You’re not going anywhere tonight,” she said, changing the subject. “Mother will never let you go to a Ponyville party.”
“I’m not asking Mother,” Lilymoon said, trotting past her sister and into the hallway. The Crusaders hurried to follow, but Sweetie Belle looked back to see that Ambermoon was watching them go with narrowed eyes. Apparently, Lilymoon and her sister didn’t get along very well.
Lilymoon led her friends outside to the greenhouse, a small building behind the cottage made of smoky green glass. Sweetie Belle thought it looked like the shiny shell of an enormous beetle squatting on the lawn. As they all stepped inside, Sweetie Belle could see the building was filled from top to bottom with plants. Some of them she recognized from Filly Guides as dangerous. And did some of them have… teeth? Sweetie Belle huddled closer to Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.
Lilymoon’s father, Blue Moon, was at the back of the greenhouse. He wore goggles and a lab coat. He looked up and saw his daughter and the Crusaders. He smiled—a little too widely.
“Well, hello there!” he said through his strange grin. “What can I help you young ponies with?”
“My friends invited me to a party, and I really want to go,” Lilymoon said in a rush. “It’s tonight. Please say yes!”
“Tonight?” Blue Moon asked. Sweetie Belle recognized the look on his face. It was the same look Rarity had whenever she was about to say no to something. Fortunately, Sweetie Belle knew what to do. She gave Blue Moon her biggest, shiniest eyes.
“Pleeeaaase?” she squeaked. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom added their hopeful faces to Sweet
ie Belle’s. It was too much for Blue Moon.
“All right…” he finally agreed. Lilymoon grinned to her friends. But her face froze when he added, “But only if you take Ambermoon with you.”
“Don’t worry, Father. I’ll keep a close eye on her,” Ambermoon said, stepping into the greenhouse. Sweetie Belle couldn’t be sure, but she thought that sounded like a threat.
Zipporwhill really does have the best parties, Sweetie Belle thought. All of Ponyville Park shone with light-spangled streamers and glowing balloons as the sun set. Three piñatas dangled near a table laden with every type of candy Sweetie Belle could name—and even some she couldn’t.
Lilymoon hung back, a little overwhelmed, as the Crusaders led her into the park. It looked like everypony in Equestria had shown up for the birthday bash. Sweetie Belle spotted most of Miss Cheerilee’s class, including Snips and Snails, who were staggering out of the park with goody bags overstuffed with candy. Sweetie Belle waved at Rarity, who was performing onstage with the Pony Tones. Nearby, colts and fillies laughed as they bounced on a pile of fluffy clouds heaped on the ground. Ambermoon was the only pony who didn’t seem like she was having fun.
“I’m getting a cup of punch,” she announced. “Hurry up and do your thing. We’re leaving soon.”
“But y’all just got here!” Apple Bloom objected. Ambermoon ignored her and trotted off.
“My sister always gets weird around the full moon,” Lilymoon explained, then added, “well, weirder.”
“SweetieBelleScootalooAppleBloom!” an energetic Pegasus in glasses and a tiara called as she zoomed over to greet them.
“Zipporwhill! Happy birthday!” the Crusaders exclaimed in unison.
“I’m so glad you made it to my party! Who is this?” Zipporwhill asked, smiling at Lilymoon. The Unicorn backed up a little, unsure what to do.
“This is Lilymoon,” Sweetie Belle said, nudging her nervous friend forward. “She’s new to Ponyville.”
“Hi,” Lilymoon said quietly. She was startled when Zipporwhill threw her hooves around her in a fast hug.